Berbatov: A Friend In Need

Dimitar Berbatov is something of an enigma at White Hart Lane at the moment. After a blistering first season at Spurs, the he has been thrust, unwillingly, into the spotlight of Britain's carnivorous football media. This would be difficult for anyone, but it strikes me that the Bulgarian genuinely did not expect the kind of press coverage that he has attracted, and I think he is struggling to cope with it. Constant stories of his imminent departure, plus the shenanigans of the past few weeks have undoubtedly taken their toll on the player, and now alarmingly it seems as though the strains of discontent are filtering through into the voices and posts of a few fans.

Well it's time to nip that in the bud and get behind the man who only a matter of months ago was accorded God-like status at The Lane. Obviously in this country anyone who plays well for a team other than Man U are going to be linked to a move there. Fergie won't complain, as unsettling the opposition is a great way to keep the peasants in their place. But if we are not careful then we may find that the yid on the street ends up believing some of this guff. This is a danger, and feelings of discontent can snowball quicker that you can say "I love Martin Jol". Before long the unthinkable may occur - Berba a target for the boo boys? Perish the thought.

Let us set the record straight on a few matters:
  • Berba as a person has a miserable demeanour. He just has a face like a slapped arse regardless of how "happy" he is - don't read anything into it.

  • Berba as a player is a moaner. We have all played with them, pass to someone else, or fail to have eyes in the back of your head and cue the toys leaving the pram.

  • Berba is in a contract until 2011 - and he only recently signed it.

  • Berba is not the messiah, he is a very talented footballer.
Not content with their hatchet job on Martin Jol, the UK press look worryingly like they are now targeting our most skillful player for their next round of Spurs-baiting. It is crucial that the club, and more importantly us the fans do not allow them to succeed in driving out the best player to have graced the shirt in many a year.

The player himself has come out and delivered a tirade against all the lies that have been written about him and what his family are alleged to have said. We cannot ask for more than that. For our part we have to trust him and get behind him. We have to stop all this "better off without him" shite and ask ourselves in what possible situation are we better off without our best player.

In interviews he comes across as a modest man, quick to praise the team. His history has shown him to be a man of his word and a loyal employee. True he may be a bit down at the moment, team not doing well, massive upheaval at the club, form not great - but remember the cliche; class is permanent.

Dimitar Berbatov has the ability to drive us to where we want to go, but like all geniuses he may have a dark side. I don't care how Tottenham do it, but making this man happy is critical to salvaging anything of note from this anniversary season. Here's hoping the road to recovery starts this afternoon with a hatful in Israel...


Anonymous said...

Good article, i for one was starting to believe the crud being written about Dimi. Pleased to see his reply today. Ramos and Poyet can go a long way to making him happy (he obviously needs a cuddle) but only us fans can make him feel truly at home

Anonymous said...

well said that man , thats the best thing i,ve read in days.
come on you spurs

Anonymous said...

Sensible article. I've been one of the supporters just a little teed off with our man from Bulgaria, but I've never doubted his ability. If he wants to stay, that's brilliant, and may it last for many years. The man is such a major talent, I think most supporters will be willing to forgive and forget if he really wants to play for us.

Anonymous said...

Sensible article, Yes! but I must say that his performance and attitude at Blackpool was terrible. I'd love him to stay for years and be the pivotal role in Spurs success but if he wants the fans behind him he should play accordingly

Anonymous said...

Great article - here here!

Anonymous said...

To make him happy you need me. How much are you willing to pay? No cash, no goals. No goals, no points. No points, no wins.Call it girl's power!

andyid said...

good post - Its worrying how easily you begin to believe some of the old shite that the papers spew out.Only hope that Spurs fans don't start jumping on the papers bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

how do you explain his attitude in Tel-Aviv?
pissed everyone off; didn't celebrate the goal; it's clear it's not a football issue: he's really going to the dogs!

Anonymous said...

You're talking bollocks 0128!!!

Have you just come in from the pub?

That looked very much like a smile to me after he scored.

Suddenly everyone is a "Body Language" expert.

Seems Spurs need a "Body Language" coach as well as a defensive coach now.