SPURS: A Timetable for Success

Ahhh, the traditional early season doom and gloom is in full swing, you've got to love it haven't you? Us Spurs fans are nothing if not predictable. A few top class signings and a storming pre-season followed by zero points from 2 games and a nasty turn in the Berba-saga has sent some quarters into a mind-boggling frenzy of emotion. It appears as though following Spurs is the sporting equivalent of a desperate crack habit to some people.

Back in the real world we realize that losing the first 2 games of the season (even the first 3 should Chelsea twist the knife) does not wreck the season of a team whose target is top 4 flirtation and a couple of decent cup runs. To put it in perspective we are currently 3 points behind Arsenal and 4 points behind Man U - I doubt very much that we'll be crying into our eggnog if that's still the case come Christmas.

Anyone who actually saw the entire Sunderland game, and not just the highlights on MOTD, would have seen that Spurs dominated the second half but just failed to produce any clear cut chances. No, I'm not saying it was good enough, but there are encouraging signs and glimpses of a little of that pre-season magic. Ramos needs to find some balance - and fast, but I'm sure he will, he just needs time (not too much mind you). You don't go from Europe's most sought after coach to class dunce in 6 months. Chelsea will be a tough ask, but then after their opening day shenanigans they were hardly convincing against Wigan were they?

The Berbatov saga is getting on everyone's tits, but on the bright side will be resolved one way or the other within the next 5 days. This site is a firm supporter of the player, but even I'm of the belief he should now go. Say we keep him - what then? He's got a mountain to climb to win over the fans and we'd only have to go through all this shite again come January. The money monkeys have handled this with as much aplomb as they showed during Jolgate - but who are we kidding, Berba was always for sale. Otherwise the whole thing could have been nipped in the bud a year ago when Mr. Unpopular signed his new contract.

However, and this is where it turns, Pavlyuchenko is coming and this one isn't just internet chit-chat, the player himself says he's just waiting on his visa. The oracle known as the Daily Mail insist Spurs are also "working very hard" to bring Huntelaar to the party before Monday. Surely not - never in a million years says you - but then I'd have said the same about Pav this time 2 days ago. The Corluka deal is not dead and Russian superstar Arshavin still pines for North London with his own manager at one point "certain" the hairless one will be a Spurs player before much longer - speculation that will no doubt intensify now his compatriot is semi-confirmed and Zenit have signed Danny.

Let me remind you friends that, unlike tales of Heskey, Borriello and various South Americans. none of these deals are the usual harebrained stories invented by unscrupulous hacks during a boozy lunch. These are solid stories, backed by quotes from players and clubs alike (OK, the Huntelaar story reeks of Heineken, but the others are good). So let me paint you a rosier picture with this timeline for the next few days:
  1. Pavlyuchenko announced Thursday
  2. Corluka announced Friday
  3. Berbatov sold to Man U Saturday
  4. A performance of grit and determination sees us run out 2-1 victors against Chelsea on Sunday
  5. Huntelaar and Arshavin announced on Monday
If the next 5 days pan out like this I rather suspect that even the most pessimistic Spurs fan may crack a little smile (once they've stopped moaning about the lack of a defensive midfielder that is).

Whether you agree with the details or not is irrelevant, if Pav and/or A.N. Others of suitable quality arrive, Berba goes and we get 3 points this weekend, next week is going to feel like the start of our season proper and maybe, just maybe, the doom and gloom can be put back in it's box - for a while at least.


Anonymous said...

youre on fucking crack mate.

beat chelsea, sign good players, not be shit.


same as last season minus a cup

not good enough

Anonymous said...

I would like this timeline instead:

1) Thursday - announce Coruka, Pavlyuchenko & Arshavin deals

2) Friday - announce Miguel Veloso or other DM deal

3) Saturday - Berbatov sold to Barcelona

4) Sunday - spurs run out 2-1 winners at Chelsea

5) Monday - David Villa & Daniel Jarque deals announced.

We have to sign 2 strikers, a defensive midfielder, a centre back & possibly a left winger (capel) and a right back as we have no cover for hutton and zokora's not good enough at right back.

Anonymous said...

Instead of fucking about buying Rebrov 2 should buy a couple of CBs a DM and a LM

spiderwebb said...

thursday - pav done

friday - falcao bid

saturday - veloso & corluka

sunday - huntelaar

monday - arshavin last minute coupled with announcement that gardener never really left and he's back for good.

Frank said...

Nice 12:06 - and have Bent and Bent only leading the line for the rest of the season?

Anonymous said...

Thursday Swap Berbatov for Wes Brown

Friday Rasiack to return

Sat stuffed 8-0 by Chelski

Sunday Chris Hughton brought in to aid defensive coaching

Monday Comoli Fired

Alls well that ends well

Anonymous said...

Thursday Swap Berbatov for Wes Brown

Friday Rasiack to return

Sat stuffed 8-0 by Chelski

Sunday Chris Hughton brought in to aid defensive coaching

Monday Comoli Fired

Alls well that ends well

Frank said...

Crackhead - you are a ray of shining light.

I think you're on a comedown.

norwood junction said...

we're gonna get slumped by chelsea if we dont get a ball winner fast, and no way is huntelaar coming to the lane, our seasons over, unless you count a semi final final carling cup run a success.

Anonymous said...

why dont you fuck off with berbie, you attitude stinks the like his smoking finger !

you sound a bit scared to me.

as stated 2-1 against chelsea and when the time comes round to play the red scum (with crybaby ) beat those fuckers good and proper with the optopus saving from berbie pen.


Anonymous said...

whatever happens this season, Ramos has to stay. He will need 2-3years to get us challenging for major honours i.e. league, champions league. We need consistency and stability - all spurs fans need to stop panicking and give the team and manager time to get it right, which they will!

fuck berbatov sell him, he doesnt deserve to wear the shirt.

Anonymous said...

how about this timeline:

today: read the mindless ramblings of a clearly over optimistic and arguably just plain daft spurs fan.

Anonymous said...

12.09, you hit the nail on the head me old mucker!!!

Frank said...

And then what 12:20?

How about following that with:

Monday; ate my words after shock victory in the league and 2-3 decent signings?

Anonymous said...

Check this timeline:
aug, nil point
sept, 3 points
nov, 4 points
dec, 2 points
fast forward to may:
relegated and georgie graham returns
with pleat as director of football.

Anonymous said...

Thanks yourmumvol.1. I agree with you 100%. We just need to have patience this time around. We're purchasing some valuable talent and I think in a year or to Spurs will be a MUCH better team than they've been in recent decades. The tables will turn pushing Spurs, Aston Villa and Portsmouth to the top of the table. For all the Anti-Spurs fans out there, theres really no need for hating on us...we just support and push our team in the same way you do for yours.

Pav, Arsh, Falcao, Corluka, and a divine gift of Huntelaar would be wild!

Anonymous said...

dON'T need PAV and huntelaar. just the dutchman and arshavin and someone who can get hold of midfield.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, all that was missing was the lottery win...

Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Most optimistic article I have read in years and for our sake, I would take with a fingers crossed.

Corluka, Pavlyuchenko & Arshavin are likely but I feel this leaves us with a defensive midfield & Central defence problem which needs fixing. Getting Hunteelar or Veloso will be unbelievable!!!

The Chelsea 0-1 win at Wigan gave me some lift as it shows getting something from Stamford bridge is possible. The new arrivals could be a welcome boost to the dressing room and I will accept a draw.

I feel Berbatov should be sent on loan to Barcelona, Real Madrid or AC Milan and not allowed to go to Man U as they deliberately disrupted our season and should not gain from this diabolical act. It will also serve as a lesson to others.

A loss to Chelsea will not be the end of the world as we can only look upwards and a straight climb to the top!

Anonymous said...

Good article, not sure about the win against Chelsea though, id be happy with a point. As for all those idiots, fickle people suppose to be spurs supporters moaning about another possible crap season i would say get off your arm chairs and stop judging us on match of the day. around 60% possesion in both games says we just never had the quality up front which will be recified now, if berba had of played instead of sulking we would have probably had 4 or even 6 points. 63% posssion away!!! against middlesboro is not the sign of a bad team.

Cavendish Thinker said...

You say:

'Back in the real world we realize that losing the first 2 games of the season (even the first 3 should Chelsea twist the knife) does not wreck the season of a team whose target is top 4 flirtation and a couple of decent cup runs'

Back in the real world!!! We've started as we did last year! Look where that ended. You can't judge a team's quality by cup runs......otherwise Cardiff would be considered a decent side. The league table does not lie buddy. And i am concerned that Ramos has still not addressed our one problem...........leaking goals. Instead we've sold our strikers!

As for the comment about being just 4 points behind Man U... are you an idiot? That like saying Aston Villa must be chuffed at the start of eachyear when they are in a champions league spot via alphabetical order. We've lost both games! Extrapolate 0 points going forwards and you end up with 0. Tit

Anonymous said...

Read drivel about Spurs all day while surfing the net at work.

Chelsea 4-2 Spurs in an "entertaining" match...if you're a Chelsea fan.

Sign Dean Windass on a "Rasiak"
23.59 Monday

Watch Cricket as we seem to be winning again.....Spurs, Spurs who??? Oh yes, I'll tune in again in July when the transfers start again.....

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ramos is a closet Gooner?

He does his best to make sure we leak goals, sells our goalscorers, puts crap midfielders and right back, Berbatov in the Reserves, I think Rasiak could be back before the window shuts....and King is his "Rolls Royce", I had one of them, seized brakes, leaked all over the place....

Anonymous said...

oh yes, and my Rolls didn't start very often either!

Anonymous said...

and then what?
Well Frank, I guess I would say Sunday through to May, worry about getting grief from all and sundry about being a mid table feeder club.

as for the 2-3 reverse, lets think clearly for a moment....
score one goal at home whilst conceding two in a game pretty much bossed by one of our cast offs(I miss you steed) and then score three at a ground we have pretty much got slapped at for one and a half decades.
Seriously, stop taking those pills.
An over priced Russian will not save us. We actually need to make three awesome signings. So far we have stregthened what we had, better keeper, better attacking midfielders - but not resolved any of the real issues - no strength in depth at the back, no midfield general, and now a severe lack of class upfront.
which even if we amazingly manage to resolve in the next six days, lands us right back into a 'transitional season'.
which is the real timeline.
preseason: hype about top four attack
actual season: mid table, possible cup run, sell best players.
ho hum..... 12:20

Anonymous said...

Here's my timeline (about as realistic as yours)

Friday: Shag Nigella Lawson

Saturday: Win the lottery

Sunday: Shag Sarah Beeney

Anonymous said...

This season get ready for disapointment.
no way we can beat chelsea Deco is amazing.
We will sign some people before closing date, but not huntelaar he's well out of our league.
I say sign carrick back. When we had him we actually looked like a team, and we didn't need to give the fans hope with big flashy signings.
I say top 10 will be good this season, cos it's not realistic that we'll challenge the top four, and if we do i'll streak at white hart lane next season.
Anyway lets hope Arshavin signs, then atleast we'll have some chemistry between our strikers.


norwood junction said...


Anonymous said...

How old is Corluka, as he keeps on being referred to as "Veteran".


Fudge McPudge

Frank said...

Sorry guys - don't know how this ended up being on Newsnow again this morning.