RAMOS: Sunday People are Scum

According to today's Sunday People, Juande Ramos is considering his position at Tottenham. Now, I realise The People is not renowned as being a bastion of journalistic integrity, but this load of old tosh really takes the biscuit. This story is so outrageous, so anti-Spurs and so sensationalist that it is nothing more than an attempt to kick a club while they're down. I know I should try to ignore it but it's the kind of irresponsible journalism that really winds me up.

If, for one minute, we dissect this codswallop, we can see it bears all the trademarks of a story made up in the pub...

The People says:

Juande Ramos is on the brink of quitting Spurs, less than a year after taking over as boss. The Spanish coach and his family are struggling to settle in England and Ramos has told close friends he is homesick. Ramos is said to be seriously considering his future at White Hart Lane and looking at a return to Spain.
We say:
Ramos has hardly moved to the other side of the planet. I thought being "homesick" was something that affected 17 year old strikers who have left mummy and daddy for the first time, not experienced leaders of men that are in their mid fifties. Would you seriously consider quitting multi-million pound job, managing one of the most promising teams in probably the best league in the world because you were a bit homesick?

The People says:
As well as having problems in his personal life, Ramos is under scrutiny following Tottenham's disastrous start to the season. Although he led Spurs to victory in last season's Carling Cup final, Spurs go into this afternoon's match against Wigan at the foot of the Premier League, having made their worst start for 34 years.
We say:
What problems? Is it just his homesickness or are The People suggesting he has other issues? The rest of this paragraph is just statement of fact.

The People say:
There have been question marks raised over his failure to line up a suitable replacement for Dimitar Berbatov, who was always destined to join Manchester United before the transfer window closed. And Ramos's judgement has been called into question following the signings of goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes and striker Roman Pavlyuchenko for a combined total of almost £22million.
We say:
The failure to replace Berbatov was hardly the fault of Ramos. He did not ask Levy to sell his best striker half an hour before the deadline, not to mention that it is technically Comolli's responsibility to line up replacements. Also, who exactly is it calling his judgement into question? Gomes has proven to be a top quality keeper and is roundly regarded as a massive improvement over his predecessor. Pavlychenko is an established international who was the toast of Europe this summer and has made one appearance for his new club. Are The People suggesting that both these players are toilet? If so then they clearly don't know their arse from their elbow.

The People say:
Sources close to Ramos claim he dislikes the English weather and also the food. The 53-year-old, who lives near the club's training ground in Chigwell, Essex, has also struggled to get to grips with the English language. And his wife and three children, have been slow to settle.
We say:
This is the most ludicrous of all the statements. I mean OK, we have hardly had a gloriously sunny summer, but London is hardly Siberia. I would also expect that an intelligent man like Ramos did not just rock up at Heathrow one day to be completely gobsmacked by the fact that it was raining and a little bit chilly. Claiming he doesn't like the food is border line insulting. London must have the widest variety of restaurants available to it's inhabitants of any city in the world - and failing that are you telling me Mrs. Ramos can't find the ingredients to whip up a tasty paella at her local Sainsbury's?

The language issue has been made much of by the press recently. But the players all say his English is OK and that it's the language he conducts his training sessions in. Also, I may be mistaken but I believe he gave his first English speaking press conference only a week or so ago.

The People say:
To add to the problems for Ramos, there is already unrest in the dressing-room following Tottenham's dismal start. Winger David Bentley, the pick of the summer signings, sought showdown talks with Ramos after Monday's defeat by Aston Villa because he is unhappy that he had not yet been allowed to play in his favoured position and had instead been used in a central role.
We say:
The scum at The People are trying to insinuate that the unrest is directed at Ramos as a precursor to saying he is losing the dressing room. This whole paragraph is unfounded and provocative. The language used deliberately sets out to paint a picture of unrest. Did Bentley actually have "showdown talks" or did he simply talk to the boss about his performances and how he thought he could improve. In fact, how do the People even know this happened?

So all in all it strikes me as the largest pile of steaming manure that I have read in a very long time. If Ramos leaves any time soon I'll eat my membership card, but one thing is for certain, if he is not the manager come the end of the season it won't be because he's sick of fish and chips.


Anonymous said...

The Sunday People is a load of crap

Anonymous said...

Codswallop, they really are a bunch of chumps aren't they - I just watched Mr R in a press conference on Sky Sports News and although he's not sounding like an Oxford University professor, he gets his points across. Top man. Done.

Anonymous said...

The only reason Ramos would quit at the moment would be if Barca or Real come calling and that aint about to happen at the mo.

Anonymous said...

Whilst I agree that the story is just to fill up the page... 'Scum' may bea tad harsh ;)

Anonymous said...

If Barca or Real came calling! You deluded tit. I doubt Barnet would be calling for the experience of a man who was handed a great team at Seville and only appears to succeed in cup games against teams with a average age of 8 1/2!

Billiospur said...

pathetic! who writes the article has a bias against spurs obviously.
it seems this type of media like to create and invent a situation in peoples minds ..........to undermine as always.....dont believe the hype but some do!

the Sunday people is a brilliant peice of factual journalism!

Billiospur said...


Anonymous said...

Disgracefully disgusting. Kick us when we are down. Benitez said a week ago thta Liverpool would win the the title and they drew at home to Stoke. Watch out when we hit our straps.

Anonymous said...

The article also goes on to say that Bentley isn't happy playing in the centre of midfield??!! when the hell has he played down the middle??!!

loozegear.com said...

Just the same old trouble making,I suggest sticks & stones or ignore it and it will go away!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't wipe my arse with the People! It's a shitty Sunday paper trying to sell a few more copies! Perhaps we should all ditch our luxury Andrex, and instead buy the people on a Sunday and use a few pages after we've had a couple of hot stinking Kebabs and a barrel of lager!

Anonymous said...

If he had any sense he'd leave before they sack him.

2 oh dear

Anonymous said...

we are top of the league, say we are top of the league!...
we are top of the league, say we are top of the league!...
we are top of the league, say we are top of the league!... All together now...

Anonymous said...

Lets face it Ramos doesn't really have a good track record of staying anywhere for too long - 18 months on average.
Hopefully he'll take you down and bugger off!!!!!

Some top 4 team eh.

71/2004, 71/2004, 71/2004

Anonymous said...

Allerdyce has been spotted at white hart lane..........
Spurs rock bottom...........
West Ham 5th................

Going down with the Newcastle

Lets all have a disco, lets all have a disco, tra la la la, tra la la la.............

Anonymous said...

Hang on, wasn't Bentley and the rest of your scumbag team suposed to dislodge The Arsenal from the top 4 of the Premier League because I've just looked at the League Table and I'm a little confused????? What a bunch of muggy muppets!!!! lol !!!! Have a nice week scum.xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I am a Spurs fan, and while I think the People are a bit premature with this story, I think he will be gone before Christmas.

His overall results record is terrible (3 wins since Wembley!) and a struggling team.

I am not jumping on his back all of a sudden, I have never been convinced by him. How I long for the days of Martin Jol again. His team selection is questionable and we are still nervous.

Anonymous said...

The last Anonymous is right. I could swear that Spurs were supposed to be dislodging Arsenal from the Top 4 this year. Am looking at the league table and it doesnt make any sense. Doesnt this happen every year? Every year, spurs are gonna dislodge arsenal and spend money when arsenal lose players AND actually make a profit in the transfer market and are still top of the league. and spurs are bottom. 10 points behind. already. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN???? Still, you are the proud holders of the Carling Cup and you did really really great to beat us last year. You're a big team. Havent win the league since 1961, obviously, and have never played in the champions league, but still......you're definitely a big team. No doubt about that :) :)

Anonymous said...

as usual you muppet gooners read an article slating one of the tabloids and miss the point exactly.
It was the tabloids who said Spurs would dislodge ar5ena1 this year not the spurs fans.

Anonymous said...

The papers have had it in for us ever since Martin Jol had a team that could realistically knock on the dooor of the top 4.

I blame the Papers and Comolli first, then the players, then Levy.

Anonymous said...

Ramos wont leave, but he is high on my list of managers to be sacked. If you don't beat Newcastle then your screwed.

Anonymous said...

Ramos has failed to integrate into English football and looks like a lost soul on he touchline during games, leaving all the shouting to be done by Poyet. Capello and Scolari have been here less time yet are able (or at least willing)to learn the language and communicate with the media. In any event the troubles at Spurs lie even deeper than the manager. Levy shows himself completely incapable of making sound long term footballing decisions, and so long as this pair are still holding the reigns things will get no better - fact.

Anonymous said...

In a emergencie I would'nt use the rag to wipe my arse!! If we lose to newcastle were doomed? OH YEA of course RAMOS is that's why he's just been allowed to sell and build another team to sack him before november!! Don't be a FLEETING ST beleiver all the got to peddle is hotair, SPURS WILL COME GOOD, WE JUST GOT TO FINISH TEAM BUILDING IN JANUARY, COYS!!

Frank said...

I wonder if all the gooners found this page because I put "scum" in the title?


Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually buy the people. I dont think i have ever seen one in someone possesion, only on th newspaper stand. I mean we really shouldnt let ourselves get wound up by these idiots. There is a reason they are the cockroaches of the journo world so lets leave em that way.

As for spurs i dont think ramos can be blamed too much, after all look what those clowns Comolli and Levy have left us with, certainly not a team thats for sure. I think the fans have been real patient, only the odd boo at the end of the matches which is rightly deserved. Its such a shame enjoyed supporting spurs for the few times in my life recently just such a shame the clowns have taken us 5 years back in window.

Anonymous said...

We need to pick up 9 points from out next 4 games?

Portsmouth (A) I see this as a definite loss.

Hull (H) A must win game, if we lose this we are going down.

Stoke (A) I see this as a point at best.

Bolton (H) A must win game (a six pointer), if we lose this we are going down.

The management (Levy and Commoli) have left Ramos to carry the can; there has been no continuity we have a new team again! We have managed to get great deals for Berbatov and Keane (both look out of place at their respective new clubs) by haggling to the last minute, the subsequent delays have unsettled the squad and not allowed us to bring in adequate players in time (Pav could be the new Rebrov).

Aside from the top 4, I see Villa, Portsmouth, Man City, Sunderland, Wigan, and Everton as significantly better the us, even Fulham have better balanced team!.

It has come to something when we have to rely on the turmoil at Newcastle as our only savior post Carling Cup game! We are on a par with M’boro and look at them!

Pre-season optimism was completely unfounded, the worst start for 34 years if we survive one more year in the big league I am sure that we can make a worse start next year.

Levy and Commoli this double act is a joke, a stable balance sheet is more important then a stable team sheet, unless we have some good form Ramos will get the sack and we will have the same misery to contend with again next season.

Are Levy and Commoli Arsenal fans why do they subject us this every year.

Hull, Stoke, West Brom, Bolton and Spurs will fight it out for bragging right sthe bottom 5 all season.


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