Three, yes three good performances in a row and it's tempting to think that tomorrow is going to be 3 points in the bag. Tottenham may not look invincible in the way Man U do, but they look onehelluva better proposition against Sunderland tomorrow than the shower of shite they've been in recent weeks.

On Wednesday Spurs were, to a man, magnificant. The movement, the energy, the creativity and the passing were a joy to behold. The passing in particular was extremely gratifying, 10 passes here, 15 there - nothing too wasteful, hopeless long balls kept to a minimum. Have this lot finally got the hang of it, has the penny dropped that this game is so much easier when you push and run? With Robbie Keane pulling the strings it was as if he hadn't been away. He provided us with what we've been missing for a while; namely an eye for the clever ball through the middle.

One swallow may not make a summer, but what about 3 - the people who make up these sayings need to be more specific, I want to know if I can break out the bubbly yet! It looks very much like it's job jobbed for Harry Houdini, it would take a catastrophic collapse for us not to manage 9 points from 11 games. Jesus H. Christ, we may even creep into the top half if we carry on like this (perhaps 7th is a bit ambitious though Aaron). The season is in it's home stretch, we look a good bet for safety and the only thing left for us fans to get excited about is the question of whether we can keep repeating these kinds of displays until mid May. Then roll on next August and the customary hyped up promises of top 4 finishes.

Oh call me fickle if you will but a couple of pints at lunchtime on a Friday and I'm a bundle of joy! It's easy to get carried away isn't it? Regular readers will know I obsess about the performance, not the result. That's because it's entirely possible to nick the odd result when playing badly, but consistancy is what you need to "do a Villa", consistancy is what will keep us up and consistancy is what will stop me pulling our hair out and shouting profanities every other week. Maybe we're getting there.

At 5pm tomorrow we'll have a much better idea. If Spurs can pull off 4 good displays in a row then that's case closed, we'd officially be back to being as good as we were last November, or last January, or whenever we were good... I can't quite remember. The boys look confident, they seem happy, King is back. Put your money on an away win for the mighty Tottenham. How bloody exciting!

In other news, internet chit-chat this week seems to have been dominated by talk of clear outs, I can't really get my head around this. Is another mass exodus and a raft of fresh faces really what this club needs? And think about this; with no European football and a crappy league position do you think we are going to be able to attract BETTER players than we already have? Take Bentley for example, the boy is a good player who's having a tough time of it. We need to get behind him instead of slagging him off. He wants to play for us, he's young and he's on a long contract (and at least he had the balls to stand up and take that penalty, which is more than can be said for some). A bit of patience would be more productive than a torrent of vitriol. Bale is in the same boat. BAE however can do one, but then again I have an irrational hatred of him, come on, I'm allowed one aren't I?

That's just my opinion mind you, if your "one" is Bentley then that's up to you - personally I think there are more suitable candidates.

I suspect we'll have just 3 summer targets, a left back, a left midfielder and a replacement for Bent. I believe everyone else will stay. Oh, maybe a goalie I suppose, I can't tell whether Harry actually likes Gomes or whether he's just saying he does. Boro' look good for the drop, and if that happens I think you can be almost certain that Downing will at last "earn his spurs" (I hate that phrase, how lazy!).

Anyway, I digress. Its all about tomorrow, so get down your local dodgy boozer or fire up Iraq Goals and roll on 34 points!


Anonymous said...

2 points I whole heartedly agree on. 1)"With Robbie Keane pulling the strings it was as if he hadn't been away. He provided us with what we've been missing for a while; namely an eye for the clever ball through the middle." and 2)"...that Downing will at last "earn his spurs" ". I too hate that, more than overused, phrase.

Anonymous said...

I whole heart ledley agree with johhny b agreeing with the writer namely 'we've been missing for a while'. G'night, hic

Anonymous said...

Spurs have been in desperate need of a 'lefty' for a long time now.

You can read any amount of stuff on here about Downing being not quite the real thing, but in terms of young English players, he's one one of the best around, ask Liverpool's left back.

Lennon on the right, Downing on the left, I'm in dreamland.

Grab him as soon as that window opens Harry!!

Anonymous said...

You're right blogmeister, Friday pints...... I think I meant 'Pool's right back.