As a long suffering Spurs fan I am used to "turning corners", going through phases of "rebuilding", 3 year strategies, 5 year strategies, transitional seasons, food poisoning and so on - in fact, if you can think of a good reason as to why we haven't been in the Champions League yet then we've probably heard it. So I'm now wondering if this current footballing utopia Spurs find themselves in represents the fruits of Levy's labour. Is this the culmination of that 5 year strategy, have we finished transitioning, or have Levy and co just shuffled the deck and finally got lucky? Is this the direct result of us doing away with the roundly bemoaned Director of Football system or is it just Harry's genius? I want to believe that this has been meticulously planned, but it doesn't really feel that way does it?

Anyway, who cares how we got here, the point is we're here now, and I think we're here to stay. Look at the way we slapped Liverpool down when they thought they were back in the game. Look at the way we ground out that fightback against the Hammers. Look at the never-say-die attitude that earned us the win against Birmingham. Look at the way the second string sailed through the potential banana skin of Doncaster. There feels like there's quality all over the pitch, more importantly there feels like there's quality throughout the squad. Arguably our most important player breaks his leg, we move Keano to the left bring on a striker and boom, we win the game. That my friends is the old cliche of "strength in depth" firmly at work.

If, as seems likely, we sign Krancjar then that only helps us. He is a quality player in a shite team. You only have to see how he plays for his country to realise that. His dead ball delivery is superb, he's creative, a good passer and an all round good egg. Having him gives us competition for places and backup for anywhere across midfield. It might also make it more difficult for anyone to prise Modders from our grasp next summer!

Hear me out here, I'm going to come out of the closet and say something that has been niggling away at me for a week or so: I think we can win the league. No, seriously I do. I'm not saying we will win the league, Man U and Chelsea remain overwhelming favourites, but I definitely think we have just as much chance as Liverpool and more chance than Man City. If you believe we are capable of finishing in the top 4, then by very definition we have a shot at the title because we will be there or thereabouts in terms of points.

I suppose its too early for that kind of loose talk, but I just wanted to get it out. Truth be told we will go on a bad run sooner or later, everyone does. How long it lasts and how we respond to it will be interesting. Keeping Wilson fit is also essential, it's the one role we don't seem to have any proper cover for. However, August is done, and if Harry doesn't get Manager of the Month then I'll eat my hat. Five games, five wins. One month down, 9 to go.

Two massive games in September that many people will be using as the litmus test to see whether they also dare to believe. What would be enough to convince you? Two points, 4 points, one win and a loss? For me it would be remaining unbeaten. If we can have a bloody good go at Man U at home and shut up shop at the Bridge then surely that niggling little thought will manifest itself in more minds than this tiny one.


Anonymous said...

yeah boyy i defo think we can have a great chance at winning the league it will be just a tade hard with top teram racing to but if we keep our spirts up we can really have a bang at this look at out players we got defoe a scoring machine,keane a great off ball dribbler crouchy with a great head pava with his russian style and others to

Anonymous said...

STRATTY: Rumours that we're buying a left-winger, Krancjar in for 50p and a snickers, 100% and yes, the second team rightly demolishing lowly cup opponents.

All is right with the world; we're just the sale of a 2-bob Irish no-hoper, shouty-pointy "striker" (loosest possible term) from Glory!

Anonymous said...

Levy specifically said when 'Arry came in that the DOF was being put into abeyance for the duration of 'Arry's tenancy, but it was still very much part of his plans...he may have changed his mind, since!

Anonymous said...

Season ticket holder here...

You're absolutely ridiculous to put us in the frame for a title shot this year... you make us all look like idiots.

We havent kept a clean sheet, we looked ver very average when King and Modric came off through injury...

4th spot would be a huge achievement... MASSIVE... its not beyond our grasp, but unlikely...

The title?.. you're just talking absolute nonsense.

Keep up the good work boys, keep getting results... thats all i ask.

MJBarrow said...

I sincerely disagree with 12:03...

...PSB (aka Keane) is actually a pivotal part of our side on the pitch and behind closed doors. It does amaze me how everyone talks about how good he is off the ball and such like but I have never once seen the word "creative" put next to his name - a quality I believe he has in abundance.

Completely agree with the article. The team is in awesome condition and has quality in depth. I will however add that although 'Arry has played a major part in all this, my hat still goes off to Levy. I can't think of a more committed Chairman in terms of backing for the manager, love for the team and long term desire for the club - All hail Daniel "Harry Hotspur" Levy.

My only concern, a point identified by this article, should Palacios be injured then our "engine room" will suffer - about time the fringe steps up to the plate me'thinks!!

Frank said...

So season ticket holder, can you tell me WHY it's so ridiculous?

Don't you think we have the players to do it? Do you think Arsenal, Liverpool and Man City all have squads that are VASTLY superior to ours?

Because I'm not buying that.

Unknown said...

I agree with the season ticket holder. There is no way we will be in the top 3. We should be happy with top 6. What we need to see over time, is the developement of a winning mentality. The last 20 minuits against Birmingham didn`t really show any. We where lucky.
And Harry is not the man to take any team to a top 4 finish.
Check out Porthsmouth in 2006/2007 season. They got off to a 4-1-0 start, but finished 9th. Get down to earth. Enjoy the moment.

Anonymous said...

Love the optimism. I agree that we have a squad to compete with Arsenal, Liverpool and City. So why the hell not compete for the title? The way we are performing we look like challengers.
We desperately need cover for Palacios though, that is my major concern.
The so called season ticket holder is not a Spurs fan, because if he was then he would BELIEVE!

Anonymous said...

Bloody Hell. We've won four games in the league; one of those games was against Liverpool, yes, but have you seen the way that Liverpool have played in three of their first four PL games? They've lost twice and won unconvincingly against a Bolton side with 10 men.

I think we have got good squad depth and I also love what 'Arry has done. But challenging for the Premier League? We are a long way off of that. I think we can look forward to a competitive season and hopefully a top 6 finish. Please, take a closer look around at the quality of the Premier League, our first true tests are going to be Man Utd and Chelsea and even if we get decent results against them, after those two games, we will still have THIRTY games remaining.

We've come a long way since this time last year, no doubt; but we do not have the quality to challenge for the title.

Anonymous said...

Another season ticket holder here...

Like every other Spurs Supporter I'm excited by our current situation. After experiencing many years of total mediocrity and false dawns we actually seem to have a strong squad that is currently playing well. Much better than Jol's 5th place squads of 05-06 and 06-07.

But I have to agree with the earlier comment of my fellow season ticket holder. Posts like this make all Spurs supporters seem like utter plums. We will not win the league. Our defense is still weak (no clean sheets and they look shaky) and we lack cover for the playmaking skills of Modric, and the sheer tenacity of Palacios. I believe such "optimism" is damaging for the club. Keep expectancies reasonable and we can build on a solid base and hopefully, with a bit of luck, finish regularly in the top 6. A few good cup runs and a successful run in the Europa thing will then attract the sort of players we will need to mount a serious and sustained challenge for a top four place.

Winning the league with this squad will never happen. I too love Spurs but I am not a delusional fool. And I am fed up of the ridiculous expectations of so called fans who every season say we will finish in the top four. Clearly these people have been watching a different team to me for last 15 years.

Long rant over!

Anonymous said...


We can compete for the top four, but not for the title.

I'm sure when we go to Chelsea we will be seen to be coping with them, rather than challenging them.

We shouldn't beat ourselves up for finding it harder to beat West Ham or Birmingham, than it was against Hull.

The fact is that we dominated in both those games, even though the opposition had chances.

I havent heard anything actually CONFIRMED yet in regards to Petrov, Krancjar or anyone else.

Anonymous said...


Oh, and I agree with earlier comments - I think Levy's a star, putting many Tottenham fans to shame who would happily accept mid-table mediocrity.

Our Chairman is finally reaping the rewards of many years investment and work.

elwehbi@ibleedhotspur said...

At the end of the day, all Premier League teams should be fighting for the title. Will we break the top 4? Not sure about that, but 6th is a must, otherwise this season would be a complete failure IMO.


IaG said...

Why should we accept finishing in the top 6 is acceptable instead of looking to break through into the CL? There is nothing wrong with raising your standards high, at least Blackburn once dared and won to break the monopoly of the top 4. That was 16 long years ago, and now its time for a change.

Frank said...

All season ticket holders: I'd just reiterate that I specifically say I don't think we WILL win the league, just that I think we could.

I look at our squad, the way we're playing, the way we have been improving all year and I think that in terms of talent we can match Liverpool and maybe Arsenal.

However, I think Chelsea or ManU will win as toward the business end of the season they'll both have the exprience to see the job through.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with a bit of optimism, our season ticket holding chums probably think they're being more realistic than the rest of us.

I will reserve judgement 'til the end of September,If we're still second/top, it really will be game on!!

Terry Bailey said...

interesting there the quote we were poor when Modders and King went off. We actually had better chances when they went off, not becuase they were off but that Crouch came on. We went off the boil when we scored and let Brum back in the game. I was hoping we were going to get more defensive cover. Completely agree we may be in trouble when Palaicois can't play. I think the point here is that if we challenge for top 4 we should challenge for the title. We need 70-75 points for top 4 when the title winners wil get 85-90 points, not so far away, is it?