That Rafa Van Der Vaart - he's a bit of alright isn't he? In fact, he's a bonefide sens-bloody-sation. Actually, I can't remember a signing in our modern history who has been so universally loved in such a short space of time - and yet, a bit like Modders, I'm not sure he's had a really, truly outstanding game for us yet (too controversial? Sorry!) - but you can bet your arse it's coming.

I was at the Wolves game - and yes, he had a decent game. He was composed, he knocked it about nicely, he chased and harried and ran for lost causes, he pulled off the odd moment of showboating every now and again - in summary he looked every bit the ex-Real Madrid player you'd expect him to. But he wasn't the best player on the pitch. Apart from the penalty and that beautiful chest/volley combo I don't recall any massively significant contribution - and yet when he was subbed, he got the kind of standing ovation usually reserved for hatrick heroes; one I was only too happy to join in with!

So why has he so quickly become the apple of our collective eyes? I don't know about you, but I just think he comes across as an all round decent chap. I have a feeling from him that he's genuinely happy to be here - that he's not just churning out the cliche's because his agent told him to. That he actually has some love for Tottenham, that maybe it's not just another job for him. Am I a gullible fool? I don't care!

He's saying all the right things about the scum, about the 'twelfth man' about 'feeling at home' and then he walks onto that pitch and charges around like a man possessed for 90 minutes. On top of that he has the bare faced cheek to pass it to people on the same side as him with alarming regularity!

For me, he's instant captain material. I wonder how long it will be before he's wearing the armband when Ledders is poorly? I'd wager it will happen before the end of the year - particularly with Daws out of action. Maybe it won't be until next season - but right now he's looking like a shoe-in for the job.

Anyway, what a lovely feeling it is to sign a truly world class player at the height of his powers and witness him displaying them week after week. Long may it continue...


Anonymous said...


He really looks the part even though he probably isn't fully match fit. After getting a few more games under his belt he will be awesome.

Hope all his effort is not to impress early on in his Spurs career and then start relaxing

Anonymous said...

It could be because he is happy to be playing in a club that will fully appreciate him. That also where he can be a REAL influence to. You get feeling at Spurs he can be the Man at other clubs- Arsenal, Man U, he'd be one of the men.

JimmyG2 said...

I'd like to think it's because we know a player when we see one, as in the case of Modric.
Some people were distracted by Luka's
size and to be honest Rafael isn't much bigger but both players give you committment as well as class.
Scores goals, passes to his own team,effort and skill: what's not to admire

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