Not content with stirring up the hornet's nest over Modric - and other outrageous stories too numerous to mention - their latest garbage suggests that Villarreal are going to buy Sandro for £12m.
Now, as a NewsNow addict I'm more than prepared to accept that certain ropey sites (sportsvibe, transfertavern footylatest, Bleacher etc) like to make stuff up and publish it under the pretense of news. I don't mind that so much, not at all; it helps pass the day. However, I really do think that a national newspaper - irrespective of your opinions regarding their politics - have a duty to be considerably more responsible. Any follower of football with functioning eyes and even the slightest understanding of economics must be able to see what a joke this is.
So, for the benefit of the bravely anonymous "Sportsmail Writer" let me point out a few fatal flaws in your hypothesis:
- He's only been a Spurs player for a year
- He has been arguably one of the finds of the season
- He is still young and obviously has great promise
- We paid £8m, so considering the above points your £12m valuation is laughable
- Read these quotes - does this sound like player looking to leave?
I can almost guarantee that this story doesn't make it into the paper itself, so why is it acceptable to put it on the website? This, as you may have noticed, really grinds my gears.
Just another reason to impose a Fergie-esque ban on any communication with them if you ask me.