Spurs vs Derby Preview

"Tottenham in Crisis" scream the headlines, which just goes to show how the media absolutely love to kick a team when it is down. It is nothing short of amazing (in a predictable way) how a couple of losses at the start of the season provokes discussion about new managers and dressing room rifts - but then over-reactions sell papers and generate website hits, only the naive will believe there's any substance to the stories.

Allow me to offer up a little perspective if I may; we are 2 games in, we are playing with 4th and 5th choice defenders strung along the back line, we are without the jet-heeled one and we are 2 points behind United (which I realise is irrelevant, but it sounds good doesn't it!). These facts may be glossing over the fundamental tactical and technical deficiencies that cost us against Sunderland and Everton, but I feel a severe case of Spursitus coming on - the unexplainable feeling that we are going to go out and absolutely rout the opposition.

Regular readers will have noticed that I have changed my tune somewhat, my disgust and anger after the Everton game has had a couple of days to die down, and for my sins the optimism is back. I can't explain it other than to say that of the three promoted teams, Derby look by far the weakest. The likelihood of 3 defeats in a row, 2 against newly promoted teams is positively negligable. Even the moaners and the pessimists out there must secretly believe three points are coming our way today, and the bookies agree, making Spurs an outrageous 9/20 on for the win. Anyone traitorous enough to back the opposition will be pleased with 6/1 - but should immediately consider going out to buy an Arsenal shirt with their 30 pieces of silver.

Now we have ruled out defeat (or even a draw for that matter) the only question is whether we dish out the drubbing that we are capable of. Well much of that depends on whether Jol has learned his lessons. He will be unable to field what we take to be his "battling" midfield (Malbranque, Zokora, Jenas, Tainio) as Teenu is out with a viral infection, but if he sticks Jenas on the right and Hudd in the middle with Zokora it will still show a disappointing lack of ambition. This is Derby at home we are talking about here, we have to assume we will dominate possession and as such we need the likes of Routledge or Taarabt on the pitch - players who can beat a man and are not simple "sideways and backwards" merchants.

"Jol, learning his lesson - you must be mad" says you. But desperate times call for desperate measures and I think this time he will take action. I can't see Taarabt starting, but I do believe he will go with Steed, Zokora, Jenas and Routledge. Now I like Jenas, but even I'll admit he has been about as effective as a chocolate teapot so far, so I'd like to see Huddlestone start, but what chance of Jol dropping his golden boy?

With Berbatov out, the front line will most likely be Bent and Keane, one or the other of which I feel are bound to score at some point, but at 7/2 and 4/1 respectively to score first I think that's a bit tight. My tip is to wait until the line-ups are confirmed and then to take a punt on Routledge at a much healthier 16/1. My long shot tip for the day is Zokora to open his account at 22/1 - you know it's crazy but I just have that feeling and it won't go away.

The bookies like 1-0 or 2-0 Spurs as a final score, 6/1 seems a fair price, but it's hardly enough to get excited about, those scores are best saved for a scorecast. To be honest, none of the other final score bets look all that appealing. 3-0 at 9/1 or 3-1 and 11/1 might be a tad ambitious.

So, as I am convinced that even our makeshift defence can handle Derby I am going for...

Scorecast: Spurs win 2-0 Routledge to score first @ 60/1

And, because I have this unshakable feeling...

First Scorer: Zokora @ 22/1

Good luck, and Come On You Spurs!

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