Berbatov: I'm Going NOWHERE

So I just wanted to throw that headline into your NewsNow list just to counter some of the drivel that I have seen today. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it only a week or so ago that he was banging on about how he doesn't want to leave Spurs, how he loves the fans, blah blah blah. I was under the impression that every time he, his agent or the club itself is asked, the response it that Berbatov is not for sale.

And yet there seems to be no rest for the wicked as the press will not rest until this deal has been done.

Will we have to endure weeks of "Berbs to Man U" talk before every transfer window between now and the end of his contract? I am the staunchest of media bullshit detectors, but even I am starting to doubt that Berbatov will have a long and distinguished career at Tottenham.

What I can be quite sure of though is that he's going nowhere in January. Manchester United have an annoying habit of getting what they want (remember Carrick?), but their offers are becoming more and more ridiculous if these "reports" are anything other than a practical joke hatched at the Mirror's Christmas party.

Last summer there was talk of upwards of £30m for the talented frontman, now his value seems to have diminished to one injury prone bench warmer, a defender who is available for nothing 5 months from now and £6m.

Are they having a laugh??? If the Spurs board do anything other than wipe their arses with that fax it will be a travesty. The only deal that would remote appease the angry mob would be a swap deal for Nani, but Fergie is hardly in the habit of letting his talented players leave for the opposition is he, and it would take several teams of wild horses to drag the player himself out of Old Trafford, so you can forget all about that one.

Equally can you see Ramos letting his most creative player waltz out of the front door without kicking up a stink? Particularly when we are still in 3 cup competitions and still need to climb the table - not a chance!

But the bandwagon rolls on unabated, and the lazy hacks jump on board as if even they genuinely believe it. What starts as an internet joke gathers speed and ends up on the back pages and eventually the TV reports and the player starts to wonder whether something is afoot.

Dimitar Berbatov is a sensitive soul and openly admitted to being unsettled by the last time this crock of shit made headlines, he is just getting back to something approaching his best and it looks like he's going to have to endure another 5 weeks of it.

Let's hope this time he's better prepared.


Unknown said...

The press see us as am easy target. What was story sky sports news this morning when I woke up not the brillent display but the defoe bust and from the pictures you could tel his anger was directed at the official. Oh and what was the headline in the metro defo not the performance not our 2nd appearance in the semis of carling cup.

Berbatov won't go anywhere in Jan the summer is different story if we don't perform this season.

Anonymous said...

Are the press on the ManU payroll?

Why get charged for "tapping up" when you can get the press to do it for you.

Anonymous said...

Press really want to stick the boot in after Levy banned the Evening Standard back in August. Look out for biased stories in the Metro, the Standard, the Daily Mail and Sunday Mail. All owned by Associated Newspapers.

Great result last night anyway. Got to wonder how the team would have performed under Jol, down to 10 men after 20 minutes. Also interesting to note that we've now had 2 clean sheets in a row with Dawson absent.

Anonymous said...

Following on the comment on Dawson and our 2 clean sheets - it almost seems like Dawson and Kaboul cannot play togather. Last season Dawson was great - often without King and i remember properly Kaboul looked ok at the beginning when Dawson was out. When the 2 play togather it seems like a match made in hell. Pity Zakora got sent off. I would like to have seen him and Kaboul play again.

Anonymous said...

These rumours come up when spurs are going to play the scum, its the scum based media

Anonymous said...

Saha? more like haha!

Even old whiskey nose must know he ain't getting the Berbs for 6 mill plus two makeweights.

At least he had the decency to pay 18 mill for Carrick.

Your article is top-drawer as usual.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Robbo getting back to his old self last night.

Maybe put an end to those "Ramos searching for new keeper" stories.

Just one word for Steve Bennett 'TWAT'

Anonymous said...

Lets be honest...Berbs leaving In Jan..a load of rubbish!

Swap deal including Saha...they wish why would we want another sick note???

If you aint good enough for the Mancs, then you aint good enough for Spurs!

It seems everytime we seem to be moving in the right direction, these stories start to come up!

Berbs has come out and Said " I am not leaving" so come on people get with the plan!

Anonymous said...

Basic Media Strategy:
1) pick a player and a club he could feasibly move to.
2) get quote from manager of club to say he likes player.
3) repeat story in various different guises over long enough period of time. New quotes Unneccessary.
4) Run stories about players current club to unsettle player
5) Repeat step 3, and step 4 until transfer goes ahead.
6) Claim "EXCLUSIVE!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Associated newspapers are the scum of the earth and will never forgive Tottenham's attempt at stopping the newspaper group from consistantly printing lies about the club, unfortunately Associated newspapers are worse now than before, there is never any good news just made up bull that is invented to try and unnerve the club, players and fans.

Scum the lot of em.

EL said...


A more appropriate response to this tired old lazy journalistic rubbish would be to have not highlighted it with an article.

Frank said...

Yeah, nice one El.

Perhaps Al Quaeda will suddenly disband if we never mention them again as well.

Anonymous said...

made some good points in that article, was on newsnow and of all the Berbatov articles this was the only 1 I bothered reading!

Anonymous said...

Do you all really blieve that this campaign to prise Berbatov away is not orchestrated. Do you all really believe that our fine upstanding press are above this kind of behaviour? The question to always ask is "In whose interest is it?". Surely not to sell more papers since everyone is tired of the story, so ask yourself who is likely to gain by pushing this story? Certainly not Spurs.What would they use Saha and Brown as---- doorposts?

Anonymous said...

berbs is a quality player that has amazed us in the time his been here. But now the press is givin him loads of shit, is this anyway of treatin one of the gr8est strickers we av seen in a long time. I hope he does stay he is pure class

Anonymous said...

What if I told You that Arsene Wenger was about to get sacked as he lost his first match of the season... HA HA HA...

Premier League

Arsenal 1 Tottenham Hotspur 2

Carling Cup (Semi Finals)

1st leg Arsenal 0 Spurs 1
2nd leg Spurs 3 Arsenal 2



Anonymous said...

Man United amaze me with their arrogance. At the end of the day, if Berbs wants to go then we will but spurs will only sell him for an above market valuation (minimum 30 million) and how the press think 10 million pounds of cast offs plus 6 million would be enough is laughable !. EIther fergie comes up with a Rooney style price or he wil have to part exchange a player we would actually want and may come like Carrick or Nani.
For me this is Fergie using his contacts in the media to flush out a Berbatov response to force us to sell. He should remember how easy Levy was to deal with when Carrick only had 18 months left on his deal so let's see how he is with berbs !!!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Frabbs

Now tell us more about the Batboy

Anonymous said...

Total arrogance from Man U as usual. If Spurs and all clubs around us (Everton, Villa etc I don't include Newcastle because they think they're special :-)) continue to sell our best players to top 4 clubs the game is over. We don't need the money so why even consider it? Selling Carrick, even at that price was a mistake just because of the message it sent out and I think Levy has woken up to that. Berba is going nowhere