Surfing the internet at work all day has it's ups and downs when it comes to Spurs news. On the one hand you get to hear about signings almost immediately after they happen, on the downside you have to endure the utter bollocks such as that served up by abominations like 'CaughtOffside'. But if there's one thing that is starting to really get my goat it's all the Berba-Bashing that seems to be coming from some quarters. If that sounds like you then hang your head in shame and open your mind to the possibility that you are being strung a merry dance by the popular press.
The problem is that if something is repeated enough times then people start to take it for fact, rather than stepping back and thinking about it for themselves. These "facts" then get repeated by the sheep who have nothing positive to say and before you know it, BOOM, a man's character, commitment, ability and achievements have gone up in smoke. It is bloody disgraceful, and unfortunately for Dimitar Berbatov the snowball effect has now become unstoppable.
Here are the charges:
Berbatov is a Moody, Sulking Git
The Prosecution:
The evidence to substantiate this charge are claims that he has been seen waving his arms around and looking a bit stroppy when someone plays a bad pass to him. This is backed up by reports of him looking "disinterested" while both on the field and on the bench.
The Defence:
It appears to the defence that some Spurs fans have selectively short memories. The defendant has been doing this for about 2 years, yet before all this Berba-to-Man-U nonsense started, back in the not-so-distant past when he was a hero to the fans, nobody seemed to mind about that. It must also be considered that the player is also prone to the same reaction when he himself plays a bad pass or misses a great opportunity. Surely he's just showing frustration.
Berbatov himself does not have the happy-go-lucky demeanour of Dos Santos, but why the fuck do people suddenly find that offensive? Some say it would be nice for him to look like he was enjoying it, but why should he? Maybe he's just the type to take his game very, very seriously - and what's wrong with that?
The claims that he looks moody on the bench are laughable. Firstly I bet if there was a camera on you for the entire length of a football game they could catch plenty of shots of you looking a bit bored and distant. Secondly I would like to present Exhibit A - recent footage from the last few friendlies of Berbatov looking relaxed and shown to be signing autographs and joking around with others on the bench. I just don't see ANY evidence of this moodiness.
Berbatov is a Negative Influence in the Dressing Room
The Prosecution:
Due to his desperation to play for one of Europe's elite, and the subsequent failure of those dreams to become reality, Mr. Berbatov is proving to be a right miserable bastard and a "bad apple". This in turn is dragging the morale of the rest of the squad to new depths and setting an extremely bad example for the younger players.
The Defence:
Am I the only person to find the concept of this a complete joke? Firstly, as Exhibit A has already shown, the demeanour of the defendant in his relations with his teammates looks anything but negative. Secondly, does anyone have any evidence that the Spurs squad are suffering poor morale problems at the moment? Quite the contrary in fact, they all look about as excited as the rest of us about being a part of New Look Spurs. Lastly, would someone mind pointing out to me how anyone other than about 30 people who have direct daily interaction with him have the first fucking idea about what his influence in the dressing room is? No, I didn't think so.
Berbatov Want's to Leave Spurs
The Prosecution:
Mr. Berbatov has his heart set on a move away from Tottenham. This is in order to further his career, increase his wage and to allow him to compete at the highest level. The prosecution cites Chairman Levy as having publicly stated that the player has "had his head turned" and comments from the players agent have suggested that he is extremely keen to leave.
The Defence:
Well, it's a fair cop on this one. Yes Berbs may well want a move to Man U or Barca or any of the other super-clubs, but can you really blame him? The defence takes umbrage at the suggestion that Mr. Berbatov is desperate to leave and would prefer the wording of such claims to be more along the lines of "quite fancies a move to" or "would relish the chance at" or "is flattered by". May we remind you that the defendant has not handed in an official transfer request as far as we know, has never publicly stated his desire to leave the club and, apart from some snide and unwise remarks from his agent (in which he may or may not have been complicit), has behaved in an exemplary manner whist under the extreme and unwanted glare of the British media - a glare under which many a lesser man may have cracked (think Barry, Ronaldo et al). Therefore, is it not beyond the realms of possibility that should he still be a Tottenham player at the end of August, that this is hardly going to be the end of the world for him and that he will continue to honour his contract to the best of his ability like a professional?
In summary, Dimitar Berbatov is still the footballing genius he was 9 months ago when he was the darling of White Hart Lane. His performance may not have been 100% in the last 5 months but seeing as our season was effectively over in March it seems unfair to hang him for that - could it also be that all the speculation has had an unsettling effect?
Anyone who actively wants this man to leave the club is insane. He is one of only a handful of players in the world who has the ability to single-handedly snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and that is why he's worth £30m. Wouldn't you rather have that talent available to Juande Ramos than Alex Ferguson?
None of us is qualified to say that he is wrecking team spirit, none of us has a right to accuse this man of lacking the integrity to honour his contract should he have to, and only an idiot would fail to recognise the contribution he has made to the team in the last 2 years. So before all you detractors jump in and start slagging him (and possibly me!) off, perhaps you should consider the evidence first and stop allowing yourself to be manipulated by common misconception, the gutter press, and ultimately Old Red Nose himself.
Well said that man
Wonderful Article!
Berba the jury's out - please fucking stay!
dear lord.....a blog about Berba that, not only makes sense, but also highlights the guff I have been reading daily is based on hearsay.
Right, I'm just going to have a quick gander at caughtoffside....
Is there anyway of deleting caughtoffside links from newsnow?
Nice article by the way
Best article about Berba i have read in a while! You need to post this on Sportingo or Vital Spurs! Bloody well said! Agree totally!
Berba will always be in our hearts no matter what happens!
Everyone is entitled to there opinion and sadly therefore you. I just read the first two paragraphs and so to spare myself from further self serving, rose tinted, arrogant crap that you dished up Ii will pass. E.g. I dont know what world you live in or you probably have been in hybernation for the past two years or so, but most people think and rightly so that Berbatov is a selfcentred, moody, arrogant git, that has self self self without any regard to his team mates written all over him. They (supporters) only put up with him because he can play football a little.
sorry don't buy it, even though you're right on many of those points. it's just naive to believe that he isn't the major influence on what his agent says and the fact that he hasn't come out and said he is happy to stay at spurs cancels out any of your evidence relating to whether he has publicly angled for a move or not. i'll be gutted when he goes (because he will before the end of august, let's be serious here) but i'll wish him the best of luck if he goes to man utd and keeps the title from arsenal or chelsea. i think any spurs fan, including you, knows in their heart of hearts that given the choice tomorrow between spurs and man utd, he'd be gone in a second. he wants to go, let's just cash in and move on.
Yeah pretty spot on this.
Berba was often our best player in the final five months... well for the first 60 mins at any rate. Then he did let his head drop as far as some of the others, who knew Ramos no longer wanted them next term.
Great piece of writing. Finally someone fights against the speculation! :-)
But he could end all the bullshit, he could just have a press conference and let everyone know what is going on. So ultimately it is in his hands.
Great article.
Nicely balanced and well considered.
Maybe you should post on Caught Offside or that idiot site 4Sports sake.
We really need him to stay or quickly find a replacement. ManYoo's injury crises means they will really go for it soon and test the clubs resolve.
Well Said. Agree totally !!!!! Just want to say to the fans: go on with bad words on Berbs and he'll go and he'll be right ... So Shut the fuck up !!
Nice article in part, but I think you're lying to others or at least to yourself if you think Berbatov has always had the demeanour he has at the moment.
He has always been laid back, yes, but the stomping his feet, the not tracking back, the complete unwillingness to chase any ball that he has lost has NOT always been a trait of his game.
I'm not saying we all slate him for this, he has never come out with the badge kissing crap saying he loves us etc like Keane so if he does want to go to United then fair enough really.
However I don't agree with the sentiments of this blog that he is 'just carrying on as normal' like his desire to move is just a big press conspiracy against Spurs. Wake up a little bit lads.
its probably easier for spurs fans to see him as no good for the club so that when he does leave its less painful to take! i personally think the guy is a footballing god, one of the best players to have graced the white hart lane pitch in spurs colours and will be gutted if he leaves. However, following bents free scoring exploits in pre-season id like to see him given a chance but can bent and berba play in the same team or formation that JR seems to be shaping us up for??
well done sir, excellent article
This article really is a breath of fresh air, espicially with all the complete tripe circulating the net right now.
P.S Berba please, please stay
Well thought out.
Not sure if you'll turn the overwhelming tide of bad hackery that continues to spew forth from every press orofice.
I thought myself how gracious Berbs has been in keeping his gob shut when others have made themselves look foolish (see Barry).
Hopefully the current rumours of him getting on with Modders and the other new recruits are turs and he sees a happy enough future to stick out the rest of his contract and propel us into the Champions League spot he desires/deserves.
great work..! ...at last some positive article on berbs amongst the media speculation bollox.
It's so true what you're saying!
Thank christ that not all Spurs fans are so desperate to jump on the slag Berba bandwagon. I was away over the weekend and didn't get to watch the two games in Holland until Monday evening. All day Monday I'd been reading from Spurs fans about how we don't want this moody, lazy bastard at our club. I saw nothing in those games other than the usual sublime touches and sheer class of the man. He even smiled at one point for those who seem to think that's important. The man is a genius and we should do everything we can to make him stay. If he does go (and can we really blame him for wanting to play in the C.L?) then he goes with my thanks for lighting up the Lane. I hate 90% of modern footy fans....don't know there arse from their elbow.
well done 11:43, anyone who starts a critical post with "I only read the first 2 paragraphs" deserves their obviously informed say!
Well said,
from March onwards the whole team was playing for the first 60 minutes but lacked desire to work the last 30.
He is as hard on himself as he is on others around him.
There have been a number of instance where he has spoken out (generally to Bulgarian press) and refuted much of what his agent and the press are saying - although less so recently
Head, ostrich, sand!
Berbatov is a Negative Influence in the Dressing Room
The Prosecution: Again, Chairman Levy's comments were that once Berbas 'head was turned' he (and Keane) had 'become negative influences in the dressing room'. Since this is another comment from Levy are you going to consider it 'a fair cop on that one'? I don't believe all that I read but direct quotes from the chairman are not to be dismissed as Levy IS one of about 30 people who have direct contact with Berbatov. Also if his behavior isn't as is the press sujest why did he get fined a weeks wages during pre-season? Stop spending all your time gushing over his abilities and accept the fact Berbatov couldn't give a flying fuck about Spurs.
I can only echo the views of the majority of other readers that this is an excellent article and I wholeheartedly agree.
The only point I would make is that Levy did explicitly state that Dimitar had made it clear to him that he wished to go to Manchester United...I just cannot see him being at Spurs on September 1st.
great article.
agree 100%.
until he leaves, let's get/stay right behind berbatov. and if he leaves let's remember him for the genius he was for us!!
At last, something well thought out, well reasoned and presented on this issue, or any other re. our club. Brilliant, mate.
The trouble is, there is a lot of downside to the www - the so-called "breaking news", whih is a load of breaking wind & the herd instinct to just jump in without using any rationality at all.
The truth is, what the fuck do any of actually know? About who's in, who's out, or why?
When Berba arrived 2 years ago, how many of us had the faintest idea of just how unique he was? Then we quickly found out that Spurs had served us up a rare diamond, a joy able to deliver goals and assists with a level of scintillating skill that noone had seen this century.
It's as understandable that Man Ure would want him as it is that Berba would want to find the best possible stage for such gifts.
To read our fickle fans slag him off has become sickening, depressing - as much as the tide of
crap hour-by-hour oozing out on who we're after, and how 4th place is now all but guaranteed.
NOTHING is guaranteed to us, or any of the others beyond the same old bloody 4 who have monopolised the top for too long, with their access to money that regular CL participation guarantees.
The only loyalty left in the game - here or anywhere, is what the fans show week in, week out, year in, year out. It's obvious. And it's in conflict with the reality that money & power have taken the game over, from board rooms to players.
Berba, the man, is a galaxy away from Cristiano Ronaldo, who is the most over-hyped, egotistical, immature bonehead playing today, for all those goals. I live in Portugal, believe me, I know exactly where he's coming from. You 've got no idea how he's treated here. Pathetic and shameful, to turn a brainless walking hair-gel advert into a god.
If Berba stays with us, superb. If he goes, then good luck to him. Get real, guys and see it for what it is. Like, what you gonna do if he turns up at the Lane named in the starting line-up against Sunderland ? Boo him? Whistle?
For those that hate CaughtOffsides drivel appearing in NewsNow there is an option in the left navigation to use 'Top rated sources only'.
Surprisingly CO is not a top rated source and is removed! :)
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superb article mate.
I think Berba has handled himself fairly well considering he does want to leave. In the Celtic game he tracked back quite a lot and although there was plenty of stomping his feet and hands in the air I thought he looked pretty committed to the game.
I enjoyed this article, for the most part. It deals with many of my 'fears' and 'worries' for Berbatov's future and the future of THFC.
There is NOBODY on this, or ant other firum who has a 'cast iron' idea of what our Bulgar is thinking or proposing to do this month. I think that many presume that HE will do what any ENGLISH player might do in a similar situation. WRONG. He is 'made of different stuff' and, unlike here, players with this 'stuff' (Europeans) have FAR great morals, for the most part.
I don't know, for sure, whether or not he will be here on 16th August, I can just HOPE and PRAY but....is it that much better at Manure than at WHL? I , for one, am not sure. Remember that Berbs has been to the CL Final before and, on that scale, he is an 'achiever' already. Perhaps he sees Ramos et al as being HIS chance to be part of something GREAT, from Day 1? Not just an 'add on', brought in to be a 'proven' member of a 'well oiled' machine (except on 2 days, next season lol?).
So, all UP in the air as we speak....no news is good news, re Berbatov anyway? COYS!
So nice to see that there are still plenty of sensible Spurs fans praying our man will stay, instead of dragging out the same tired old stuff and taking the usual cheap shots when it looks like a player might go.
In twenty years when the hairband and probably most of his hair is gone, I for one will still be able to savour what he brought to WHL on a Saturday afternoon.
Real genius is always dark, moody and utterly unpredictable.
I made a very similar (albeit less in depth comment) just yesterday.
My emphasis to all those who think Berba should go was specifically the body language/dressing room shite.
Since I doubt any forum fans are paralinguists (those that specialise in all unspoken communication) such views are complete and utter tripe.
Good on you for writing a sane article!
Amen to that brother.I have been fighting Berbatovs corner for some time on Spurscommunity and on my own blog (http://jimmyg2.blogspot.com/But its been an uphill struggle.The man is a genius ,we dont deserve him the way some so-called supporters attack one of their own.We seem to have a fear of quality players(Gazza wayward and unreliable:Ginola aluxury:Carrick too slow:Modric too small:Jenas,our new vice captain and man of the tournament in Holland a waste of space.
And so it goes on.Excellent article.
You acknowledge that the third point, that his head has been turned, is a fair cop, and cite the statement by Levy; and yet omit in your second point, that in the same statement Levy specifically stated that He (and Keane) had become negative influences on the dressing room for the very reason that their heads had been turned.
Other than that I pretty much agree with you. I said after the first season that if we had him for three seasons and then got a shed load of cash for him it would be good business. Half way through last season i changed this to 'two seasons and a shed load of cash' and it looks like that's how it will be.
In fact, after the initial shock with Keane, I would have to say that having two players for a combined 8 years and then making 25 to 30 million in profit is damned good business. plenty of money for JR to build a squad to play the way he wants.
I can live with it.
excellent article, we can all look back and remember games, (such as bolton at home when he bossed it) where he has been a joy to watch and up there with the spurs greats. Thanks Berba
spot on.
the performance v bolton was just awesome...even without a goal!
"Well, it's a fair cop on this one. Yes Berbs may well want a move to Man U or Barca or any of the other super-clubs, but can you really blame him?"
It is not possible for every single player who wants to win trophies or play in the Champions League to join Arsenal/Chelsea/Man U/Liverpool/Barca/Real/Milan/Juventus
Some day players will use their brains and realise this
Too bad Robbie Judas Keane is not one of them
Excellent article, should be posted elsewhere and everywhere minus the swear words.
Any one who has ever played football to at least a competitive level will realise the genius that he is, probably one of the BEST players in world football. The only other player i can liken to him is Zidane (for his touch)! It will be too painful to watch manure if he goes to them. Please stay!
That's the way I feel about the whole sorry affair...
Well said mate! about time someone spoke some sense on the matter. Why should players be puppets to the whims of the few, they´re human for crying out loud, cut the guy some slack. Nice one mate thoroughly enjoyed this read.
Nice One, well said.
Just fed up with lazy journo's making crap up on a slow news day.
Sources suggest that Berbatov is secretly yearning for a move to lunar FC, the first zero G team to play in space, unfortunately he can't smoke up there so contract talks have stalled.
Prove me Wrong!
Good Article,
Pity the mainstream media go down the negative route that makes Berba out to be at fault.
Can you imagine if the Ronaldo Saga didn't happen this summer, glad it did because it kept the focus away from his possible sale.
Either way if he goes we gain financially, if he stays we keep his skills.
JR will know if he wants to keep him, if Berba's attitude will affect the team then he wont be around too long.
The team is more important than one individual player.
Thanks for a super article !
Some Spurs fans are like the guy with the hot girlfriend who feels that he is not really good enough to hold onto her, so he ditches her before the inevitable happens in his eyes - she ditches him.
Berba is one of the greatest players to grace the shirt in the last 20 years and we should be doing everything we can to keep him. Players like him only come around once in a generation.
if we are serious about a top 4 finish, we need to keep Berba.
The board need to pay him whatever he wants and we, the fans, need to get behind him and show him how much we love him.
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