Turns out that in the pub on Saturday whilst watching that Joyful Game, that I appeared to be in the minority as I actually think Gallas has, on the whole, been fairly good for us so far.

Yes, there has been one or two mistakes, but I feel they were mostly down to him getting his fitness and match sharpness back. One thing is not in question: Against the goons he had his best game for us so far. We can probably assume that this is partly due to playing against his old club and partly due to having 50,000 people booing your every touch, but if it was also a side effect of making him captain then I'm all for him retaining the armband.

One thing is for sure: Modric is not up to the job. Love him as I do, he made a massive mistake by allowing Ferdinand, the ref and the lino to have a cozy little chat duiring the aftermath of the Nani debacle those few weeks ago. As far as I can see, little Modders is far to much of a nice guy to handle the pressure of modern captaincy.
"Yes Mr Referee, you're probably quite right, I expect the ball was over our line. What's that? Go away? Yes of course sir, let me just take my players with me."
As far as I can see, in the modern game a captain's responsibilities are thus:
  • Command respect through talent, loyalty, experience or fear
  • Put a rocket up your team-mate's backsides when required
  • Hassle the ref to go easy on your team whenever possible
  • Hassle the ref to penalise the opposition whenever possible
Love him or hate him, you have to conceed that Billy G is the kind of c*nt to stand there and argue the toss. All the top teams have a captain with a nasty streak, and I think it's exactly what we've been crying out for.

Personally, I don't understand why Modders was chosen over VDV in the first place, as he is suitably tempermental too. Hopefully he's one for the future, but failing that I'd back Gallas to step in - particularly if it continues to bring his game up a level.

Can't see this being universally popular though, so how do people feel about it?


JMSPUR13 said...

i think the dig at Modders for the joke at OT is a bit harsh, afterall he did run over there to remostrate with the linesman assumed the goal would be correctly disallowed and got his team away to prevent further repercussions. After the decision went against us he lost his cool with clattenberg slightly and ended up getting booked because of it. i see Luka as a Ledley type of skipper, not very vocal but leads by example! and what an example the boy has been setting so far this season, i personally think he has been magic! on the gallas note, if he performs like that every week i would be happy for him to have my wife, let alone the captincy. also on a side note, good to hear Woody is back in training, i f*cking love JW and hope we see him back in the famous white shirt soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm not bothered about Gallas being captain personally, I think too much is made of the position anyway.

But I wonder about the other players, Gallas is not the most likeable or popular colleague.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree JMSPUR13. I often notice how Modders is leading our players away from the ref when others would stop to "explain their point"!

Not that I agree with hassling the ref, it's just if the opposition are doing it you have to do it too. They like to think they're not influenced, but they clearly are.

I don't think he has the experience or the nasty streak to be captain.

Anonymous said...

Forget about captain, a contract extension is what needs to be looked at. He's done well considering we have a hopeless right back playing alongside him.

Jacqui said...

Gallas had a great game but giving him the armband full time? Not for me. Dawson will be back soon and it should be given back to him in Ledleys abscence. Cherishes the shirt and always gives 110%. Remember, he Captained us for most of last season and we finished 4th. Nuff said me thinks........

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