Followers of the summer madness that revolves around Tottenham will have noticed over the last few years that if anything things are getting progressively madder. This year has so far been the maddest of them all and has seen us linked with the usual parade of 'wonderkids', unobtainable superstars, continental nobodies and thirty-something hasbeens - culminating in what at least appears to be a fairly solid looking story about us signing the long serving, iconic ex-captain of our most hated rivals.

I have a theory on all this. I'm wondering whether the Spurs insiders have a new tactic in the annual media war? Could it be that they have become so annoyed by leaks and mis-information over the years that they are now deliberately leaking a huge number of tip-offs so that any real activity is lost in the sea of bullshit? I don't know - that's just my own little conspiracy theory I thought I'd share with you there, it's certainly something Harry is capable of devising!

Being addicted to NewsNow, I have noticed a trend. A story materialises on a small site and sometimes never gets mentioned again. However, occasionally someone higher up the food chain decides it has legs and it starts to make it into the national papers. It's not exactly beyond the boundaries of possibility to assume journalists from these publications scour the community sites of Premiership clubs looking for ITK stories to run. Of course, it's also a given that dubious agents will leak deals to them for a few quid and a boozy lunch - and/or deliberately exaggerate interest in their client to bump up any potential fee.

This week alone we are expected to believe that we have turned down £14m for Bent (really, when a fee of £19m has apparently been agreed for in-demand Huntelaar? Bite their bloody arm off Levy!), that we are about to blow £10m of our precious kitty on 2 kids from Sheffield, who we'll promptly give straight back to them (I thought we weren't buying kids?), and then there's Patrick Viera...

Now, I'm no knee-jerk, foaming at the mouth Arsenal hater. Sure I like to see them suffer, and I'd love us or Man City to take 4th spot off them next year, but truth be told I don't really give a toss about them. I don't have anything against Bentley because of his past - jeez, I'm not even really that much of a Sol hater! He made his choices but he handled them badly. However, I think it's safe to say that there are a significant number of people out there who feel slightly more... let's say 'passionate' about the subject. I'm talking about the people who wouldn't even buy a Panasonic TV because it has Viera written on it - God only knows their reaction to him pulling on the shirt.

In actual fact it probably wouldn't be a bad move. We need an experienced DM who has a bit of fight, a winning mentality and fully understands that he's not going to play every game. Viera fits that bill. Been there, done it, bought the t-shirt as they say - and has a cabinet full of medals to prove it. He'd probably play about as often as Zokora did - as understudy to Wilson, or along side him in the middle in away games against the likes of Everton and Stoke. We could do a lot worse - and in truth I'm struggling for a shortlist of realistic targets with whom we could do a lot better.

Nonetheless, if this one is more than just paper talk then it represents an enormous gamble for Harry. The WHL boo boys are not known for their tolerance and a fair proportion will be just itching to write off the lanky goon before he's even kicked a ball for us.

It may be akin to spending a pound and expecting to win the lottery, but just consider if you will the ramifications of Viera rifling in a 25 yard last minute winner at the Emirates next season and tell me that alone doesn't make him worth a punt?


Anonymous said...

Ashley Young is on his way to Tottenham F.C.! There was a gentleman's agreement between Harry and Martin for the arrival of Downing and either Bently ( My Bet ) or Darren Bent to go Aston Villa F.C.! Its well known that Ashley Young is unhappy with the sale of Gareth Barry and wants to return to London. This is why Harry bidded for Kyle Naughton to stall Everton's progess in the Downing deal! Smart tactics by Harry and this Young deal was reached nearly a month ago! Thats why it has been so quiet!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with the Viera point, BTW, I did buy a Panasonic TV with Viera on the front, and I for one would feel a lot better about it if he pulls on the white shirt for us. COYS

Clean and Sober - A journey said...

Ha! Yeah i couldn't agree more re Viera! It would be a perfect story if he scored the winner. Whether he arrives at the Lane or not is to be seen, as long as it does the biz if he does though i'll be happy.
It is always us who get linked to everyone every year / window - it really is funny watching newsnow (where i found this BTW)stories ticking thru.

We just really really need to sort the left MF out asap - Downing to Villa apparently - so bring on Robben???

Anonymous said...

I dont get how you can think that this year has been the worst for speculation??!!

This year has been the quietest I can remember and for once the club is targetting realistic targets and are not just being used as a means of inflating fees for so called stars who have no intention of joining spurs.

I commend the club for not spending cash willy nilly and am pleased that for once we are not just throwing money at half rate stars

Anonymous said...

Godd and well written article, couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

I personally think Vieira would be a good signing.
He would help Wilson develop into one of the worlds best DM which he certainly has the potential to do so also he is perfect cover if Wilson were to miss games. Not only that he would install a winning mentality amongst the younger players at the club on both the pitch and training ground and that is certainly what we have been lacking.
I would sell Bent, give Pav another season and go for Negredo, that gives us options up front and we are making money, Sell O'Hara to Fulham, Bentley and Jenas to Villa plus 5 Million for Young and that is our midfield complete as Modric can play across the Midfield.
Defence, i'd sell Chimbonda and have Corluka and Hutton fighting for rightback, centre backs we do not need as we Dawson, Corluka and even Huddlestone who can fill in, left back i would loan Bale use Assou Ekotto and make a bid for Warnock. Expenditure is minimal and incoming is greater.
Harry 'wheeler dealer' Redknapp stikes again?

Frank said...

Anon 11.11 - I just read Spooky on Dear Mr. Levy say we have been linked to 107 players - if that wasn't a joke then it has to be some kind of record!

(And spooky, if you're reading then wtf are you counting!!!)

Anonymous said...

anyone else listening to talksport wen they were saying that ashley yuong was going to have a medical thursday morning for spurs?

Othello said...

I'll bet a tenner than none of those sales happen, Anon 11.15. Bent isn't leaving, no matter what anyone says. If stories are true, we just knocked back £14million for him, so I'm pleased to say he's staying. Only one I see leaving in that list is Chimbonda and, at a push, Bentley.

Itchy Squirrel said...

Good article and some very pragmatic Arsenal bashing (apart from the 'Lanky Goon' comment).

I suppose the media circus means that we can at least talk about football while the season is over, but in the same way i find shouting football tactics at a tv pretty pointless (especially if there is no football on); speculating on transfers spurned from a desperate freelancing tosspot journo does seem to be a bigger waste of effort.


Frank said...

Itchy Squirrel - there can surely be nobody else outside of people I know who refer to Dizzee Rascal as Itchy Squirrel.

I assume you will be revealing your identity to me at some point this week?