One of my big hopes for the forth coming season is that we start seeing more of the young guns. Tottenham have quietly been buying up some of the country's finest young talent for several years now and while it is only natural that some are not going to make it, it would be bloody criminal if none of them did. It looks to me like we have enough quality at this level now to certainly start seriously thinking about giving these kids a run out.

There seem to be a handful who are knocking on the door, and perhaps a few more who are merely waiting in the corridor. Livermore, Rose, Bostock and Dervite look certs to be warming the bench on a regular basis this year and if even one of those lot stakes a claim for the first team I'd be delighted. Parret and Archibald-Henville are probably not so certain to wow us just yet, and I can see them joining Obika and Taraabt by going out on loan.

Then we have Bale and Naughton - they will be getting more than a sniff by the looks of it, maybe Gio, assuming we don't sell him. Naughton seems every bit as good as Blades fans were telling us, and I would really love for Bale to finally live up to his billing as every time I the monkey boy play I can't help raving about him to whoever is listening (but perhaps that's mostly to do with my irrational hatred of BAE). Dos Santos is already adored by large numbers of the faithful. They're all good players and I wish them well, but they're not proper academy boys are they?

There's nothing we love more at Spurs than a local lad done good. That's why we refuse to send Ledder's to the knackers yard, that's why the whole sorry Sol Campbell affair still hurts so much, and that my friends is why I'm so excited by the prospect of Jake Livermore.

OK, so I may not have seen enough of him to establish whether he really is all that and a bag of chips, so indulge me if you will. But just the thought of this lad staking his claim by banging in a brace at home against the scum sends shivers down the spine - and who has he got in front of him, Jenas, Huddlestone? He has to fancy his chances.

If all goes well for him, this boy could be future captain material. A few years from now how great would it be to see a product of the academy captain of the club, bossing the midfield, the beating heart of Tottenham Hotspur. A player who would, to coin a phrase, "run through brick walls" for the shirt. The distant strains of "Nice one Cyril, nice one son, nice one Cyril...." drifting over the Park Road... Hmmm, wouldn't it? Oooh, lovely. Jumpers for goalposts and all that... marvellous. Did you know his middle name is Cyril?

I'm sure some of you will tell me I'm over egging his omelette, but one good season and this is the weight of expectation he'll have to deal with - might as well join the party early.


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with your level of optimism

Gio "adored by some of the faithful" - are you sure about that? Good ability, but he hasn't done anything of note yet

As for the rest:

Dervitte, Parrett and Rose don't look ready yet in my opinion, nor does Obika.

I'm also not convinced that Taarabt or Archibald-Henville will ever make it.

I do think that Bale, Bostock, Livermore and Naughton look ready to do a job though, and the situation with the kids is more encouraging than any other recent time.

Which is nice

Frank said...

Having read endless comments on various blogs from people pleading for Dos Santos not to be sold and to be given a chance then yes, I can say with some confidence that I am sure about that.

I don't know anything about Archibald-Henville to be honest, but I'm sure Taarabt will make it - just probably not for us - mainly because he looks like he needs the dose of reality reserved for those in their mid 20's.

I think Rose is more than ready as a late game changing understudy for the left wing.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we must start introducing our youngsters, and at the very least have them sitting on the bench, but using them. I would love to see Dos Santos, never really been given a fair chance yet. I believe Bale will make it, just tell him to make the left sided midfield problem his own, I am certain he could make it. I like the look of Jake Livermore from what I have seen so far, and Naughton. Rose in his best position could also contribute a lot this year. Dervite had a stinker the other day, but alongside a decent centre half I think he too can make it. As for Taraabt, a year playing at QPR could be the making of him. He needs to become more of a team player. So come on Harry, keep the really good youngsters wanting to stay with Spurs and keep playing this year.

Anonymous said...

surely you mean park lane?


Anonymous said...

Hey Frabbs

Watching the Hull game on I-G, we're lookin purty.
