Transfer Reality Check

What with the rumour mill going absolutely insane, I thought I'd introduce a dangerous concept: What about if we don't sign 10 new players this year?

Just for a second let's ignore all the paper talk and look at the messages coming directly from the club. Harry stated at the end of the season that he was looking to bring in 3 players. He has also suggested since then that the Arabs have nicked 2 of those in the form of Barry and Santa Cruz. More recently we have been told that we are not going to be buying players for the sake of it and that any arrivals must 'improve the squad' (as opposed to making us worse one presumes). So a report I read recently suggesting that "every player but 3 are available for sale" seems about as likely as Macaulay Culkin sending flowers to the Jackson family.

We have been linked with everybody from second rate youth keepers to world superstars in the last month, but it's still looking quiet on the Western Front. I don't think Harry is in any rush whatsoever, and based on our end of season run in I think he's right not to be. I actually think the current squad is one of the best we've had in years.

In a way we need to be encouraged by the lack of activity. Letting the big guns lay out all their millions on the cream of the crop is good for teams like Spurs who, if we're being honest, are second tier these days. As players come in to the Champions League outfits, the current incumbents are likely to start to get very edgy about their first team prospects, and in a World Cup year might be more tempted to consider their options rather than sit on their fat contracts. This year I actually think that waiting until August could be a good thing for us because when the league kicks off these newly marginalised players might start scrambling for the exit doors - at which point playing for Tottenham might not seem such an awful proposition after all.
I believe we'll only sign a striker if we sell one, and I think the only one likely to be sold is Bent. Robbie Keane playing for 3 clubs in 12 months? I can't see it, and Pav will not be sold for the simple reason that we won't be able to get anyone better than him. I'm convinced the boy is class, and with a bit of a break and a decent pre-season I think we're going to see him explode - I'd love to see that blossoming partnership with JD re-established. Hiddink rates him highly, and that's a pretty solid referral.

So if Bent is out, who's in? Not Bellamy that's for sure, so we can relax about that. Whoever we buy will be a way down the pecking order and Mr. Angry won't like that. Also, I can't see us getting another shortie. I actually think these Berg rumours have substance as a young bloke like him might not be too unhappy about a bit of squad rotation. However, if Levy dicks about over the fee for another month we'll undoubtedly lose out to Hamburg.

If it's not him I'm certain it will be another big man, Crouch or Carew? I'd be distinctly underwhelmed, but ultimately unsurprised - hardly significant improvements are they?

Verdict: A strict one out, one in policy.

All except Lennon are up for sale - what bollocks. Wilson is obviously going nowhere and nor is Modders. I'd also be hugely surprised if we sell Jenas - in fact, to round off this set of bold statements I'd also be surprised if we sold Bentley. Can you see Levy taking a £10m hit on him after one season? I'd kind of like Bentley to stay - he's a good player and if he can turn it around it would be like a new signing. I want to see the best of him in a Spurs shirt and that hasn't happened yet (apart from that goal).

Harry is surely after another tough tackling CM. He does like to play with two tough guys in the middle and now Zokora has gone a new CM/DM type player must be a nailed on cert. I wouldn't be surprised to see Huddlestone go too. He's got talent certainly, but I heard he's a lazy trainer and I suspect that gets Harry all twitchy. Prime suspects are currently Cattermole, Veloso and Cana, but most of this looks like agent bullshit or rehashed stories to me. If I must pick one then Cattermole appears the most "Harry like" signing but I expect the list of candidates to grow over the next couple of weeks.

On the left I think we can forget about Young and Robben and any number of nobodies touted as "the best left midfielder in France". I'm absolutely convinced Downing will be a Spurs player before long, and what's more I don't think that's a bad thing. He's a club captain, has a great left foot, is a fantastic passer of the ball, decent at dead balls etc. I think that where we are at the moment, Downing is as good as we can hope for - four England managers in a row have seen something they like about him so he can't be that bad! Obviously I'd prefer Joe Cole, but I expect he'll want £80k a week and experience tells me Levy won't go for that.

Verdict: Downing's a yid plus a mystery tough guy.

Talk of Heinze seems to have evaporated, which is a shame as I think he'd have been a superb signing to bridge the gap until BAE and Bale mature. However its not disastrous as we're OK in this department. Hutton, Charlie, King, Woody, BAE, Bale, Chimbo, Dawson, Gunter - let's face it, we have plenty of cover for anywhere across the back 4. Can't see Harry spunking £10m on a back up for King (read: Bassong) when we already have Corluka and Dawson.

Verdict: Experienced LB wheeled and dealed if one pops up - don't hold your breath.
By my reckoning that makes Downing, a DM you've probably never heard of, a striker you won't be pleased with and maybe a left back past his prime. Try to control your excitement!

I suppose we're used to seeing mass comings and goings every summer, but breaking that habit and letting the team develop would be no bad thing. So even if we do end up signing nobody trouser-bulgingly exciting, take some comfort... we weren't exactly too shabby at the end of last season so would it really be a disaster to kick on with what we have now plus a couple of "squad" players?


Anonymous said...

Finally someone with sense. Probably the most well rounded blog of the summer. Well said.

Anonymous said...

i agree completely

Anonymous said...

Wow I didn't think it was possible to read a story I could identify with this summer, with all the crap bombarding us on Newsnow from the same old people.
I agree about swapping Bent for a more powerful man, I won't be that disappointed in Downing and would give the lad a chance, and so on...
Why I was happy about Harry coming in is because I know he will put together a team that's capable.
I trust his judgement in putting together individual parts into a unit that functions, and whilst everybody (seemingly) has gotten used to constant signings that give them a quick buzz, and spend their time awaiting their next fix, and the even more ridiculous habit of living and dying by each days rumours, it's nice to see that in some fans minds the TEAM is the issue, and Harry will construct an efficient one whoever he decides has the right attributes for each position.
I also agree that many of our current players could blossom in time, and there's no need to constantly change everything hoping the next ones will immediately make a top 4 team.
This is the longest post all summer for me, and this was pretty much the only article that isn't living in la la land. Well done!

Fuzzy Dunlop

Anonymous said...

At last an article thats grounded in reality. Not blindingly optimistic but not depressingly pessimistic. THANKS.

elwehbi said...

I pretty much agree with everything you said. I do think we may get one good signing but everything else would be to just help round off the squad. I posted a comment on another blog recently saying that while on the Spurs "New Kits" microsite, while browsing through the photos of the players, I thought to myself "wow, we have a very good squad, definitely one that the big 4 will worry about when facing off against"! I hope we nail the top 6 this season with force!


Anonymous said...

Completely agree with everything you said and as others have said it is grounded in reality. Wouldn't be a surprise if all that happened (although I do like to believe that at least a few superstars will join by the end of the summer)

Anonymous said...

Hurray, there are some sensible spurs fans out there. I was beginning to think we were all the brainless idiots you hear going on about how 'yeah we'll buy ashley young and be top four next year no doubt about it' or 'keano is rubbish lets get rid of and buy a top striker'.
Im all for being optimistic but no wonder other teams hate us when all they hear are these monrons and their points of view.
Great article

Anonymous said...

Good stuff and accurate.

Harry has already dampened excitement by stating, this very week, that we should not expect anything more than top six this season.

The form at the end of last season, if sustained, would indeed make us a top six side, so I predict only the arrival of Downing as our sole 'business' for this window.

Anonymous said...

That sounds pretty much what I think we need. A striker but only if one goes (any of Berg, Negredo, Llorente, Carew, Crouch would be fine), in midfield a left winger (even Downing but at no more than £10m) would increase the options in the squad & a CM who could play either instead of Palacios or with him is also needed (Veloso or Toulalan from Lyon would be ideal, don't rate Cattermole any higher than O'Hara) & at the back Heinze is about as perfect a signing as we could get. Apart from those 4 (assuming Bent goes) players I don't see why we would need any others especially players like Richard Dunne & Craig Bellamy who offer nothing we haven't already got. Negredo or Berg, Downing or some unknown youngster, Veloso or Toulalan & Heinze & we would have had an extremely sucessful summer.

JimmyG2 said...

Sound analysis and generally I agree with you.
However how about no changes at all as a target.(I know Zokora has already gone which is a shame in my opinion)
The squad that finished last season on a high should be kept together and one or two of the fringe players plus the youngsters should be given achance. (Taarabt, Gio,Mason Dervite,
Bostock, for a start)
Most of the rumoured targets are not an improvement on what we have and risk disrupting the team which has caused us to start badly for the past 3yrs.
Am adding your blog to my recommended reads on my blog. Have a read you might like it.

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of strategy that we've needed for the last three offseasons. There is literally four purchases that have improved our squad the past three yrs in gomes, modric, Wilson and woodgate. Besides that we have a great core of players that if given a consistent run can gel to a class squad. Experience and a consistent squad at out biggest assets, not consistent turnover