I sometimes wonder why some people even bother to follow football. For these eternal pessimists to have settled on Spurs as their team baffles me even more - are they glutton for punishment, or is it chicken and egg?

We're still a week away from the big kick off and already I've read all sorts of online tripe:
  • Crouch is shit
  • Bassong is shit
  • Levy is a muppet
  • The squad is shit
  • When are we selling Jenas
  • Too many right backs
  • No left winger
  • Keane is a git
  • Shouldn't have sold Bent
  • The kit makes me puke
Culminating in some miserable bastard writing this uplifting piece for TopSpurs - a site that I'm not sure has ever run a positive Spurs story.

I have a mate I play golf with who is forever duffing the ball 3 yards or slicing it into the trees. It makes him so angry that by the 12th hole he's throwing his clubs around, banging them into the ground, effing and blinding and generally getting the right hump. But there he is, week in week out on the 1st and ready to go.

My question to him is "Why bother?". My question to the habitually moaning Spurs fan is the same. Of course everyone is entitled to the occasional gripe, the odd player who they don't rate, the bemoaning of a lack of effort. I'm as guilty as the next man. But come on people, you've got to see the glass as half full sometimes! I think we've had a good summer, we've won some pointless Asian Trinket and signed some pretty bloody decent players. No, none of them are the next Kaka, but they're pretty bloody decent all the same.

Anyway, I don't support Spurs because I expect them to win the league, bring home silverware every year, play in the Champions League or even win on a regular basis. In fact, now I've written that I'm not sure why I do support them, but goddammit I love this club!

For me we are positioned perfectly to take the pain with the pleasure. Big enough to attract players you've heard of, but not quite attractive enough for world superstars. Talented enough to play Chelsea off the park one day, but slack enough to lose to Burnley the next. It's a rollercoaster ride that fuels optimism, and whether you realise it or not, optimism is what keeps us coming back for more.

I saw something on the box a while ago that suggested if you were in the business of kidnapping and torturing people, the single most effective way of controlling them is to give them hope. Apparently in such situations the victim will do just about whatever you want just so long as you can maintain the fiction that their ordeal will soon be over.

I know how they feel.

Tottenham have been feeding us hope for as long as I can remember. Over time I, like many of you, have come to terms with this. Hold the front page: Tottenham aren't going to win the league. So what? If that bothered me I'd go support someone who will - and what a disgusting little sheep that would make me.

No comrades, the glory we crave comes these days only with some very dubious, oily strings attached, and the puppet master needs to be able to measure his worth by the billion, nothing less. A fact that Man City and Newcastle between them will undoubtedly prove to us all.

This begs the question, what tangible targets would I like to see us achieve this year? I guess that comes down to what, come next May, is going to have given me that warm "I love the Tottenham" feeling. Some ideas:
  1. Beating the Woolwich Wanderers - ideally at theirs
  2. Battering someone 5-0 - even if it is Birmingham
  3. Mugging any of the Big 4 with a last minute winner
  4. Finishing above the Spammers - because it annoys them
  5. Seeing one of the kids 'make it'
League-wise, finishing in the top 10 is the bare minimum, top 8 acceptable if disappointing, top 6 good, top 4 would be great and a trip to Wembley would be a Brucey Bonus... but now I've slipped back into torturer mode.

Pass me the waterboard.


Anonymous said...

And they say we are fickle show some support you muppet.
I have faith in HR not you. Go back to stacking shelves.

Frank said...

10.59 - You are a genius.

Anonymous said...

Not a true Spurs Fan stay away from WHL we don't need so called fans like you, stick to your arm chair.

Frank said...

Is it me or did either of you actually read this?

Anonymous said...

Good call, a bit of realism at last.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i take my comments back i only saw crouch shit bassong shit and thought it was another negative article which i'm sick of reading so didn't bother to read on. From a positive Spurs Fan.

charlie9 said...

Summed up perfectly. The optimism is always greater than the realism mid August then a gradual slope down to complete acceptance by May that we are again around 8th place, but if we're lucky a couple of bonuses thrown in along the way, Carling Cup here, 5-1 there.

Anonymous said...

great article, couldnt agree more !!!

Kevin Boatang said...

I love it when 'fans' do this. A guy writes a piece on his blog, a pragmatic piece (look it up) and because it isn't oozing with 'We're gonna win the league', the guy is a tosser.

Not a true Spurs fan? Why? Like Frank said, did you even read what has been said?

We are fickle, we are a 'head in clouds' bunch. Good, that's how I like it. I would rather be a fan of Spurs and spend all summer convincing myself we will finish 3rd than West Hamm and spend all summer simply not thinking at all.

This guy is a Spurs fan and because Spurs are not a Stalinist club, freedom of speech is more than welcome. In fact he hasn't been negative at all.

In short, shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Best blog post I ave read all year, I will now bugger off and paste this link in the two Facebook groups I am part of ;o)

Anonymous said...

Arry's record means must judge him at end of season. My main concern is that he don't get in habit at throwing money at problem and start harnessing talent we got. Like teaching midfield 2pass and 2fight.

Anonymous said...

Call me a naive,eternal optimist if you will, but I believe we're in for a great season this year.

Anonymous said...

you are a fucking twat, since harry took over spurs have been averaging 1.8 points a game which is almosy champions league standard. as for crounch lets see how many goals she scores this season. if he stays fit he will easily get 20. left side midfielder how about modric who played well there for most of last season, or even ohara or kean take your pick U ARE A MUPPET ARE U FEMALE YOU MUST BE TO WRITE THIS SHIT!!!

Anonymous said...

Great blog...we don't love Spurs 'cos they win, we love them for something much deeper. Maybe it's our glorious past or the brand of football we play or that your old man used to support them. Either way...supporting Spurs is forever, through thick and thin. and it's worse than being married...:-)

Frank said...

Thanks for your considered input 11.20.

Perhaps the title has confused some people?

Anonymous said...

Best Spurs blog by far, with the added bonus of comments from retards who actually cannot understand the finer points of the piece

Anonymous said...

This is fun.

Half the people reading this blog miss the point entirely and then call the author a "Muppet"

Didn't everyone stop using the term 'muppet' about ten years ago?

Irish Spur said...

Thought to begin with that this was a critical piece written by a none supporter as I read on found some of my views being expressed we love this club because we enjoy the highs and lows, but the highs feel way better, but as someone said it is like marriage and for me there can be no one else this is for life forsaking all others

Frank said...

I think my next piece will be called "I Hate Spurs" followed by 500 words on how much I love Spurs.

That should be entertaining!

PS. Thanks to everyone who made it to the end of this one!

Nomadic said...

Never has a truer word been written imo. Love the Spurs and always will no matter what, I asked an old friend who supports Manure what its like to go to a game and know that your gonna win, or at least 99% sure. He laughed and said its great?? But is it? I love the feeling of vulnerability and even when we are 2-0 up with 30 mins to go in the second half and every attack from the opposition send fear and dread shivering down my entire body. Got love that Yidcoaster.

Anonymous said...

You've gotta love people who only read one bit of a post and then launch into an attack on the poster! Clearly 11.20 just read the list of "online tripe" that you said you've read and decided that you were saying it.

Great blog btw, summed up being a Spurs fan perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Well well Frankie, you have stirred it up a bit my boy.

Well said though.
Now...about this angry golfing buddy....is he connected with science in any way.


SNOWYID said...

what a well thought out piece, explains everything i feel about spurs.
as for all the idiots that dont understand the article then you cant be a spurs fan, go and support the wanderers from down the road.

Anonymous said...

Very nice article. All we can truly hope for is to compete in every single game.(win or lose) and i really think were getting there. It must become very boring when your dreams become expectations

Naman Misra said...

Couldn't have put it better. Even though supporting Spurs is quite torturous, I just can't see myself supporting anybody else.

As the great Sir Bill Nicholson said it " It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low."

Anonymous said...

Nice piece, SPURSCLUB is a must for the discerning Tottenham fan with a bit of balance in his life.

This constantly expressed myth about Spurs fans' "expectations" gets on my tits, we're no different to any other fan of any other club on the planet.

lee turner YIDO ! ! ! said...

i dont even think that this article is written by a spurs fan come one your a w**ker if you followed football at all you wou;d know that crouch and defoe before they got split were the best partenership in the league at pompey with redknapp leaving them around 5th/6th and the fact that we have a stronger minfield proves key to adding to their tally only problem is no solid goal keeper and on CB to fill the void thats been missing for years and mabye a LM but modric ha been gr8 out their for his first run at it. spurs fans have no fear ! ! !

Frank said...

** chuckles ** Well done Lee - another one who didn't read it.

Most amusing.

ibleedhotspur said...

great post and so true! honestly, this transfer market was the best one yet in my eyes. not much money lost and some decent players in. no drastic changes possibly ruining the momentum the players developed together last season. for once i feel like our youngsters are developing which is crucial for any team to break the top 4 in the near future. hoping the positivity will rub on others.


spooky said...

Lovely stuff.